jueves, 4 de abril de 2013


The choice of a murder for this activity was far from being random. I have chosen this topic on purpose and with a specific objective: to experience how can things be turn into art. So, why a murder? Commonly, it is consider to be a serious thing. It seems that in order to be able to talk about murders we have to be very serious people. But this is not right. Art can help us understand murder in another way, in an artistic way. 
However, murders are not the only serious topics. Politics, religion, sexuality are examples of these kind of topics that we shouldn't talk about. They are also known as taboos (click the word). Art shows us different ways of approaching these topics and invite us to think them from another point of view. How many times have you seen all those naked greek statues? (go to the link). Certainly they have seen the human body under a complete different way, and maybe, each of us found something interesting in our photos. I encouarge you to keep trying and investigating through art, and most important of all, have fun!

"Un cuadro debe ser pintado con el mismo sentimiento 

con que un criminal comete un crimen"

                                                                     Edgar Degas

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